How can I take leaps of blind faith just like the new women in Rachel's House?
How do Horses Help in Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery?
A message from Jan, LLM's CEO on how we will impact more people in 2021
Why are we called "Lower Lights" and what is its significance to us in 2020?
How something as small as an almond gave encouragement in the midst of crisis
Reflections from the Recovery Retreat
Kids never stop learning even when they're not at school! How can we support positive learning?
Mason's Story Will Put a Smile on your Face!😁
Change in Heart - Change in Behavior
A Story of Surprise During Quarantine
A Perspective Shift: From Making Requests to Speaking Forth
Crossing Cultures: 5 Days at Lower Lights that "Radically Changed my Life"
The Myth of Certainty
Reflecting on our 'Ridiculous' Responses
Lower Lights Response to COVID-19
Suffering on Sullivant
Fuel for Hope in the Midst of the Mess
“Full Life in the Emptiest of Places”
"Certifiable" Joy
Got Extra Socks? We Know People With Cold Feet!